cctc news
excellent performance yields outstanding quality, innovative concept drives future development
cctc has been awardedthe 3rdshantougovernment quality award on july 19th, 2018, the 3rdshantou gov...
cctc held '2016 annual award ceremony'
on the morning of august 10th 2017, “annual award ceremony” was held in cctc headquarters. a...
cctc held '2015 annual award ceremony'
cctc ‘2015 annual award ceremony’ was held in the central conference room of the headquarter...
2014 'outstanding staffs award ceremony'
on the evening of sept 17th, the 2014’ outstanding staffs award ceremony' was held at sheraton...
cctc held '2014 annual award ceremony'
on the afternoon of august 27th, cctc ‘2014 annual award ceremony’ was held in the central c...
cctc held ‘2013 outstanding staff award ceremony’
in the evening of july 25th, 2014, cctc held the '2013 outstanding staff award ceremony' in meri...
cctc held '2013 annual award ceremony'
on the afternoon of jul 25th, cctc ‘2013 annual award ceremony’ was held in the central conf...